Heart surgery
How is surgery accomplished?
Your surgeon will meet with you and explain the operation and its risks and benefits. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you or your family may have. After we receive your signed consent form, your surgery will proceed. You will be transported to a sterile operating room, sedated and placed under anesthesia by the cardiac anesthesiology team. In the traditional approach to heart surgery, the surgeon opens the chest by dividing the breastbone (sternum) and connects you to the heart-lung machine. By performing the functions of the heart and lungs, this machine allows the surgeon to operate directly on the heart. When the operation is finished, the heart resumes beating on its own and the heart-lung machine is disconnected. Then the divided breastbone is wired together so it can heal, which requires at least six to eight weeks. Finally, the skin is closed by stitches, staples or a special glue, depending on the surgeon’s preference. The sternal wires will remain in the chest bone and are not removed. Potom ćete biti premješteni u sterilnu radnu sobu/operacionu salu, sedirani i stavljeni pod anesteziju od strane srčanog anesteziologa. Tokom anestezije, nećete osjećati bol, niti ćete biti svjesni događanja oko Vas. Nakon izlaska iz operacione sale, bolesnik je „uspavan“ (sediran) još izvjesno vrijeme. Buđenje se obavlja u Jedinici intenzivne terapije, kada se stabiliziraju sve životne funkcije.U tradicionalnom pristupu operaciji srca, hirurg otvara prsauzdužnim presijecanjem prsne kosti (sternuma) i povezuje Vas sa mašinom„srca-pluća“. Izvođenjem funkcija srca i pluća, ovaj stroj omogućuje hirurgu da djeluje izravno na srcu.Koža je zatvorena šavovima, spajalicama ili posebnim ljepilom, ovisno o želji hirurga. Sternalne žice će ostati u prsnom košu i neće se ukloniti. Ako se koriste spojnice, uklonit će se između sedam i 14 dana nakon operacije. Također možete razgovarati sa svojim hirurgom kako biste vidjeli jeste li kandidat za manje invazivne zahvate.
How long will the operation take?
The length of your operation will depend on the type of surgery that you are having. Most surgeries take at least four to five hours. Included in this time is the preparation for surgery, which requires approximately 45 to 60 minutes.
What are the risks of heart surgery?
Several factors influence the risk of heart surgery. These factors vary with each individual and depend on the extent of one’s heart disease, as well as one’s medical and surgical history. Your surgeon will talk with you about the risks to be considered for your surgery. Note: The risks will be written on the informed consent form that you must sign prior to surgery.