Interventional cardiology procedures
Interventional Cardiology is a branch of cardiology that deals with diagnostics and treatment of heart and blood vessel diseases using catheter.Cardiac catheterization allows direct access and insight into the heart cavities as well as blood vessels. This way, a clear image of the patient’s condition and a clear diagnosis can be obtained. It is also possible to do the procedure that will help the patient. The main advantages of using the interventional cardiology approach are the avoidance of the scars and pain, and long post-operative recovery. Kateterizacija srca dozvoljava direktan pristup i uvid u šupljine srca, kao i krvne sudove. Na ovaj način se može steći jasna slika o stanju pacijenta, postaviti dijagnoza i uraditi procedura koja će pomoći pacijentu. Prednost ovakvog pristupa je u tome što nakon kateterizacije srca i urađene procedure praktično ne postoji dugi postoperativni oporavak i ostanak u bolnici. Također, metoda je minimalno invazivna, što znači da su ožiljci i bol svedeni na minimum.
In the case of a diagnostic method known as coronarography, the patient is usually able to go home on the same day, without the need to stay in the hospital. In the case of more complicated stent placement or angioplasty-type therapeutic procedures, the patient is left to stay in the hospital for better control of the condition for 1 night. Patient is then discharged the next day. Rarely, usually after medical emergencies, patient is required to stay longer in the hospital.It should be noted that percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) using the catheter is a gold standard of care and therapy for acute myocardial infarction.
Our interventional cardiology department provides services for patients with acute and chronic cardiovascular diseases such as ischemic heart disease associated with coronary heart disease (heart attack and angina pectoris), valve disorders, great blood vessels (aorta) disorders, heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmia) , cardiomyopathy (changes in structure and function of cardiac muscle), congenital (inborn) cardiac defects. Interventni kardiološki odjel specijalne bolnice “Centra za srce” brine o srčanim bolesnicima sa akutnim i hroničnim kardiološkim oboljenjima, kao što su ishemijska oboljenja srca povezana sa bolestima srčanih krvnih žila (srčani udar i angina pektoris), poremećaji srčanog ritma (aritmije), bolesti zalistaka, bolesti velikih krvnih žila (aorte), kardiomiopatije (promjene u strukturi i funkciji srčanog mišića), kongenitalne (urođene) srčane mane kod djece i odraslih.
In our center, you can do the following procedures in the field of interventional cardiology:
Coronarography, coronarography with single or multiple stenting (urgent and elective), coronarography with balloon dilation, stenting of peripheral blood vessels, endovascular thoracic and abdominal aortic procedure, pace maker implantation.
How to prepare for coronarography and / or stenting procedure
Patients with DIABETES using oral antidiabetics such as Siofor or Fordex (Metformin) must stop taking this medicine for at least three days before the procedure. Patients using insulin: DO NOT TAKE INSULIN ON THE DAY OF THE PROCEDURE. Patients using ANTICOAGULANT therapy (VARFARIN, MARTEFARIN, MARIVARIN, FARIN, PELENTAN, MARCOUMAR, or SINTROM) must stop taking this drug at least 4 (four) days before the procedure.Other medication should be continued on the day of the procedure. Do not eat anything after midnight, on the night before the procedure.You can share your questions with your cardiology team. Pacijenti koji koriste oralnu ANTIKOAGULANTNU terapiju (VARFARIN, MARTEFARIN, MARIVARIN, FARIN, PELENTAN, MARCOUMAR, ili SINTROM) moraju obustaviti uzimanje tog lijeka najmanje 4 (četiri) dana pred proceduru. Ostalu terapiju nastaviti uzimati, uključujući i na dan procedure. Ne jesti ništa poslije ponoći noć uoči zahvata. Sve nedoumice će te riješiti zajednički sa svojim kardiološkim timom.